How to Make Money With Print on Demand in 2024


Make Money With Print on Demand

Print on Demand is totally changing the game when it comes to making and selling. With POD, you can whip up your own unique gear without having to worry about stocking shelves or dishing out cash upfront.

Whether you’re a whiz at design, an artist, or just dreaming of starting your own business. POD opens up a world of possibilities to turn your ideas into cold hard cash.

And get this, experts predict the global POD market could hit a whopping $15,269.14 by 2027! Sounds good right?

Technavio Global Print on Demand Market Infographic
Technavio Global Print on Demand Market Infographic | Make Money With Print on Demand

Thinking about diving into the POD world? Guess what? You can kickstart your very own store with absolutely zero dollars. Yep, you read that right. So why wait?

What Is Print on Demand (POD)?

Print on Demand is a business model where stuff like clothes, accessories, and home decor are made only when someone actually orders them. This means no more worrying about stocking up on inventory or shelling out cash upfront. With POD, designs get printed digitally whenever you need them, giving you tons of options for personalization.

You don’t have to worry about shipping or printing after a sale. All handled by your supplier.

What’s the best aspect? Order fulfillment only requires a few clicks once everything is set up. What a convenience, huh?

How Does Print on Demand Work?

How Does Print on Demand Work
How Does Print on Demand Work? | Make Money With Print on Demand

Print on Demand (POD) is pretty straightforward:

  1. Choosing a Platform: Pick a Platform, set up your account, and start selling. If using a fulfillment service, integrate a POD platform with your website.
  2. Selling Products: With a print provider, they handle sales and marketing. If going solo, market your products to draw traffic to your site.
  3. Order Fulfillment: Once orders placed, the POD platform prints, packages, and ships. You get paid, customers receive their orders, and everyone’s happy.

Learn More: What is Print on Demand and How Does it Work? (2024 Best Guide)

How to Make Money with Print on Demand in 7 Steps

Let’s start our step-by-step guide on how to make money with print on demand:

1. Choosing Your Niche

Don’t just pick any old niche – find the sweet spot where your passion meets demand. Dive into your interests to discover niches that excite you and have profit potential.

Research and Select a Niche

Before diving in, do your homework. Use tools like Google Trends and keyword research to find lucrative niches with minimal competition.

If you’re interested in eco-friendly fashion. Look up terms like “sustainable clothing” to see what’s popular.

Analyze Competition

Know your rivals inside out. Study their strategies to find gaps in the market and craft your unique selling proposition.

For instance, if there’s a lack of eco-conscious designs, position yourself as the go-to for sustainable POD products.

2. Create Designs

Designs are very important for your Print on Demand business.

Design Software and Tools

Having the appropriate software and tools is essential. From Adobe Creative for advanced designs to Canva, there’s something for every skill level and budget.

Need vector graphics? Adobe Illustrator has your back. Want easy templates? Canva’s got you covered.

Hire Freelance Designers

Hire independent designers if you need help or if design isn’t your thing. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr connect you with talented pros worldwide.

There is a freelancer ready to turn your idea into a logo, t-shirt design, or unique illustration. Just make sure you thoroughly inspect them and make it clear what you need.

3. Choosing the Right Platform

A reliable Print Partner can be the difference between a thriving POD business and a struggling one. It’s that crucial.

Consider factors like the platform’s ease of use, product selection, and tool integration when selecting a platform. Are you looking for simplicity or lots of customization options?

If your website is on Shopify, WordPress, eBay, Wix, Etsy, or Prestashop, check out Blinkstore. It doesn’t require any upfront investment so starting your print on demand with Blinkstore would be easy.

Integration with E-commerce Platforms

Blinkstore offers a wide selection of over 50 products. So take your time to find what suits your brand best.

You’ll have plenty of product combinations to choose from, and Blinkstore even throws in a free mockup generator for your shop.

4. Setting Up Your Online Store

Create Your Online Store with Blinkstore
Create Your Online Store with Blinkstore | Make Money With Print on Demand

Now launch your store and present your products to the public. Pay attention to details like platform selection, store design, and user experience.

Platform Selection

Choose an E-commerce platform that aligns with your business goals and budget. Consider factors such as transaction fees, customization options, and customer support.

Store Design

Make a store that embodies your brand identity and is both pleasing and easy to use. Optimize product listings with high-quality images and compelling descriptions to attract potential customers.

5. Marketing Your Products

Now it’s time to spread the word and boost sales with smart marketing.

Social Media Marketing

Use Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to connect with customers. Share sneak peeks, run polls, and create eye-catching pins.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimize your site with relevant keywords and quality links to improve visibility on search engines.

Email Marketing

Send personalized newsletters with valuable content and offers to build customer loyalty and drive sales.

Also Read: 13 Effective Ways To Improve Your Online Presence

6. Scaling Your Business

Scaling Your Business
Scaling Your Business | Make Money With Print on Demand

As your business grows, explore opportunities. To expand your product range, enhance customer service, and optimize your operations.

Expand Your Range

Diversify your product offerings to cater to different customer preferences and market segments. Experiment with new designs, products, and variations to keep your store fresh and exciting.

Customer Service

Deliver outstanding customer service to cultivate loyalty and trust. Respond promptly to inquiries, and address concerns.

Analyze and Optimize

Analyze your performance metrics and optimize your strategies for maximum efficiency and profitability.

7. Stay Legally Safe

Make sure you’re following all the rules and keeping your ideas safe.

Protect Your Work

Get copyrights and trademarks to stop others from using your stuff without permission. If you are not sure how to proceed. Then consult a legal expert.

Pick Your Business Type

Decide what kind of business setup works best for your POD. You can be the only owner, partner up with others, or create a company. Consider factors such as desired level of risk, anticipated taxation, and desire to grow your business.

What You Should Know About Print on Demand? (Pros and Cons)

– No need to hold inventory– Limited control over product quality
– Minimal upfront investment– Lower profit margins compared to traditional retail
– Offer a diverse range of products– Less control over shipping times and fulfillment
– Ability to test product demand– Limited customization options for certain products
– Easily scale your business as it grows– Reliance on third-party printing and fulfillment
– Risk of inconsistent product quality– Potential for negative customer experiences
– Competitive pricing may lead to lower profits– Difficulty in setting competitive prices
– Reliance on third-party shipping services– Longer shipping times for some products
– Less control over branding and packaging– Difficulty in establishing brand identity
Pros and Cons | Make Money With Print on Demand

When Can You Start Making a Profit in Print on Demand?

When Can You Start Making a Profit in Print on Demand
When Can You Start Making a Profit in Print on Demand | Make Money With Print on Demand

Now that one burning question lingers: when can you turn a profit? Well, you can say if everything is going okay, in a year you will see profit.

Factors Influencing Profitability

1. Niche Selection

Choosing the right niche can significantly impact your profitability. Niches with high demand and low competition often yield quicker returns.

2. Marketing Efforts

The secret to increasing traffic and sales is effective marketing. Make time and financial investments in your product’s promotion.

3. Product Quality

In the competitive world of e-commerce, quality matters. Ensure that your designs are appealing, and the print and product quality meet or exceed customer expectations to foster repeat business and positive reviews.

4. Brand Building

Building a strong brand identity sets you apart from the competition and fosters customer loyalty. Invest in branding efforts such as logo design, consistent messaging, and engaging content to attract and retain customers.

5. Customer Service

Loyal brand advocates can be converted from one-time customers with exceptional customer service. Respond to inquiries, address concerns, and focus on customer satisfaction to build a positive reputation and drive repeat purchases.

Timeline to Profitability

While some POD businesses may see profits within the first few months, it’s essential to set realistic expectations. Be patient, stay consistent, and continuously evaluate and adjust your approach based on market feedback and performance metrics.


To sum up, Print on Demand (POD) allows you to earn money from your creative ideas without the hassle of inventory storage or upfront costs. Platforms like Blinkstore offer a cost-free starting point.

However, succeeding in POD requires adhering to regulations. This involves obtaining copyrights and trademarks to safeguard your work. Selecting the appropriate business structure to establish a solid foundation.

While making profits with POD may take time, selecting the right niche, implementing effective marketing strategies, and consistently delivering high-quality products can speed up your progress.

Stay patient, remain dedicated, and be open to adapting to meet consumer demands. With perseverance and determination, your POD venture is poised for success.

FAQs on How to Make Money with Print on Demand

Some frequently asked questions about How to Make Money with Print on Demand.

Can You Make Money with Print-on-Demand?

Yes, With print-on-demand, you can earn money by selling custom-designed products without needing inventory or upfront costs. Create unique designs, use online platforms, and start selling to turn your creativity into profit.

Is Print-on-Demand Good for Beginners?

Yes, Print-on-demand is perfect for beginners. There’s no need for expensive equipment or inventory. Just focus on creating appealing designs, choose a reliable platform, and start selling. It’s a straightforward way to start an online business.

What Can You Make with Print-on-Demand?

With print-on-demand, you can create a variety of items. From cool apparel like t-shirts and hoodies to handy accessories like phone cases and tote bags, the choices are plentiful.

Is Print-on-Demand Risky?

Print-on-demand minimizes risks associated with traditional retail. Since you only produce items after they’re ordered, there’s no excess inventory or unsold products. Test different designs and niches without significant upfront costs.

How Much Can You Make Monthly with Print-on-Demand?

Earnings vary based on factors like design quality and marketing efforts. Some sellers earn a few hundred dollars per month, while others make thousands. Continuously refine your designs, optimize marketing strategies, and stay updated on trends to increase earnings.



